A World of Public Debts: A Global Political History. Third Conference in Athens, Greece.

A World of Public Debts: A Global Political History

École française d’Athènes, 31 mai – 2 juin 2017

Organisée par Anastassios Anastassiadis (McGill-EFA), Nicolas Barreyre (Centre d’Études Nord Américaines, EHESS) et Nicolas Delalande (Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po)

Mercredi 31 mai 2017

15h-16h30 : Chapitres introductifs

Introduction: Noam Maggor

  • The Words of Public Debt: A Political Repertoire (Nicolas Barreyre, Nicolas Delalande, Etienne Peyrat)
  • Public Debts in the Long Run: Statistics and Politics in the Making (Eric Monnet & Adam Tooze)

17h-19h : Global Capital, Imperial Tensions, and Local Dynamics

Introduction: Alexia Yates

  • Latin America, Economic Development, and Imperial Competition (Juan Flores Zendejas)
  • Sovereignty and Capital: Public Debt in West Africa, 1871-1912 (Leigh Gardner)
  • Foreign Money, Regional Inequalities, and Political Instability in late Qing China (Dong Yan)
  • International Financial Controls, Sovereignty, and Imperialism in Egypt and Greece (Malak Labib & Tassos Anastassiadis)
  • To Tax or to Borrow? The Political Economy of Foreign Debt in the Late Ottoman Empire (Coşkun Tuncer)
  • The Local Politics of Public Debt: a Cross-Atlantic Perspective (Noam Maggor & Stephen Sawyer).

19h30 : Réception à l’École française d’Athènes


Jeudi 1er juin 2017

9h30-11h : Wars and Crises: The Fragmentation of the World Debt Regime

Introduction: Leigh Gardner

  • The Transnational and Imperial Dynamics of Financial Mobilization in the First World War (Nicolas Delalande).
  • State Power, Political Regimes and the Structures of the German Public Debt from Weimar to the Postwar Period (Stefanie Middendorf)
  • State Formation, Political Emancipation, and Financial Autonomy in Iraq and Syria from the Mandates to the Independences (Matthieu Rey)
  • A Communist World of Public Debt from 1917 to 1991: a Counter-Model? (Kristy Ironside & Étienne Peyrat)

11h30-13h : Back to the Markets?

Introduction: Stefanie Middendorf

  • From Regulated Debts to Financialization: India, France, and Argentina in Comparative Perspective (Anush Kapadia & Benjamin Lemoine)
  • The State as a Debt Manager: Italy, 1945-1990 (Alexander Nützenadel)
  • Sovereign Debt Crises and the Politics of International Institutions since the 1980s (Jérôme Sgard)
  • The 2008 Financial Crisis and the Public Debt Problem in Global Perspective (Adam Tooze)

13h-15h : Déjeuner dans les jardins de l’École

15h-16h30 : Public Debts in the Age of Revolutions

Introduction: Stephen Sawyer

  • An Empire without Debts? The Spanish Empire and the Colonial Realm (Regina Grafe)
  • Debts in Revolution: Citizenship and Political Economy in Late Eighteenth-Century France (Rebecca Spang)
  • The Politics of Debt: Government Borrowing, Political Regimes and State Formation in Scandinavia, 1760-1830 (Patrik Winton)
  • Global Politics and Local Lives: France’s Capital Exports in the Nineteenth Century (David Todd & Alexia Yates)

18h00-20h00 : « La démocratie grecque et l’Europe face à la crise de la dette »

Table ronde au Cercle Universitaire Kostis Palamas de l’Université d’Athènes, avec:

  • Nikos Alivizatos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
  • Kostas Kostis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
  • Dimitri Sotiropoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

            20h30 : Dîner au Cercle Universitaire


Vendredi 2 juin 2017

9h30-11h30 : Travaux en groupes

Répartition des participants en quatre groupes de travail et préparation des textes introductifs de chaque partie du livre collectif.

12h-13h : Restitution des travaux de groupe et discussion collective

14h30-16h30 : Table ronde sur le manuscrit

  • Maria-Christina Chatziioannou (National Hellenic Research Foundation)
  • Andreas Kakridis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
  • Socrates Petmezas (University of Crete)

20h : Dîner

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
barreyre (30 mai 2017). A World of Public Debts: A Global Political History. Third Conference in Athens, Greece. A World of Debts. Consulté le 12 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/vb5j

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